Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I HATE the word 'sure'. Yes, I hate lots of words but for way different reasons. So, why do I hate the word 'sure'?
It is so vague. Especially when your not face to face with another individual. If you ask them a question why would the answer 'sure'? Are they just lazy, or agree like, "Sure, that would be a really good idea" or are they not interested.
I hate the word 'sure' because if someone answers a question do they mean it. Are they saying it just to please you, or they really don't care? Are they saying it because there is not point is saying no? Are they saying it because it just another thing to do or direction to move in. I wish people could just answer yes or no, but no they have to answer sure. Just to keep you wondering if it is the right move to move on. If you should take back your offer. I don't think it's fair but it is fair that you are putting the person under pressure, and then again, don't you use the word 'sure'. I wish I didn't but still I will always wonder does the word sure mean "I just don't care"
It's not a long post but I feel it a lot. So, will I go on letting people get away with using the answer 'sure'? Sure, why not, but im not thrilled about it. I do care but I just don't know what else to do. I still hope that they learn to say yes. and if they don't want to, they can simple answer no. Will this happen? I'll leave it up to you but I know most of your answers already. Sure.

New note

Like I say, I like to change up my blogs a lot. The last blog was kind of sad so this one will be on a higher note.
So, this blog is about what are the better things in life?
Some say family, some say love. Some say parents, while other say children. Some say money, even though most disagree. Some say one self, others say others. Some say food, water, and a place to sleep. Some say having fun. Some say a good job that one is happy with. How do you choose? How do you know which one is best? I say, you don't have to choose. You can work hard for that job you want, and in that regards if money is important to you, than you'd want a job that pays a lot. You can make time for all your family and do fun things with them that make you happy. With everything going on in our busy lives, we need time for ourselves to do what makes us happy but on the other side, there really is just enough time to help others. Working at food kitchens, doing favors, and giving money are amazing things but commpimenting someone, being polite also can make people happy. Isn't it true if enough people that you are with are in a bad mood it brings you down but at the same time if enough people are having fun it is easy for you to have fun. If you make other people happy it can make you happy.
Friends too. They can bring out the best in you. Relationships. These two things can work for each other or against each other. You friends should except your boy friend and your boyfriend should except your friends. That's a good way to tell if they are good people in your lives.
Happiness comes in so many forms, this just means we can be that much happier. We all need to find what most makes us happy and then explore that and other things. Never loose sight of anything. You can always want more but I say we should be greatful for what we have. You can always think you should have more but what about others who have no one where near what we have. Never think you should get more than anyone else. Just be happy!