Thursday, September 17, 2009

After the fact

gah. So I wan going to write a blog but now it has to change or im going to make three parts

1st. All the talk about change, he said he didn't want things to change but he knew they would, I said I knew they would too but it was ok, he said he really didn't think things would change

So, obviously things are going to change. A little FYI no more baby, babe, hun, sweetie talk. There's always a number one, and that changes.
I think theses are changes that needed to happened because you can't just look at your food, but then eat desert. You have to eat the desert and maybe take a bite of the desert. HAHA. Will it make me a bigger person? I hope so. Will it make us closer? I hope so.

So. He did it. I knew he would. I'm sure she feels good about it. It's hard to see what it's like from this angle but I wonder where it will go. This is sure to be an intresting year, I just hope it goes bye quickly.

So, I'm going to sit back and watch the change. Mean while lets have Niley Jemily Kaly Story consume all my time.

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