Friday, April 17, 2009


OK, I am not a parent. I am only 15 and I am not that stupid but I do know a thing or two and definitely have my opinions Listen to your children. As your kids should listen to you, you should listen to you kids. Hear what they have to say because it may be something important or that can have an effect on how they live. Also, never say "Because I said so". It teacher your child that they don't have to look at the reactions of there behaviors and action. Just explain why it is dangerous or not good for them, in age simple terms. If you can't think of how it can hurt them, it might be OK after all. Not everything you think is wrong, really is bad. Talk with your children and bond with them. Sometime they have to learn to go with the flow, but think about how they feel also. Don't put them in situation that could possibly be altered to make them happy to.
DISCIPLINE YOU CHILD! You do know whats best for them. Give them a real time out, (never in there room), and tell them what they did that was wrong. After they seem to grasp it and have said they are sorry, then you can tell them you love them and kiss and hug. Never physically abuse your child. Even a slap or a spanking. It will never help. It teaches them violence or to be scared of you instead of teaching them that you are the boss and what you says goes.
~Salena Briana

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