Wednesday, August 12, 2009

blog 7. **** he's hot. This is a great vacation

truth. I have another blog. I kinda want them to stay separate but idk... I'm gonna put this in here but i'm also going to have it in my other one as part of my "emosionsal" vacation. OK, so Im on vacation with courtney, rob, and jacki. THey are all really cool and i'm having a great time. it's so much fun. We get along so great. Rob is really cool and courtney well is a big flirt. She met this super cute 20 year old. He was always starting at her. It was funny bu they were cute. Rob was with my brother and the 20 year olds friend.Jacki and their third friend were all over eachother. Courtney, Rob and I met them in the hot tub one night and then the next day Courtney and I were hanging out with them and Jacki came. We went played beach vollyball, owww. that sand made me cry it was so hot. Now it hurts to walk. We also went into the ocean and talked. We all got along pretty well but the the really cute guy started talking about all the times he got drunk in collage. I thought to myself, this is why I am not seriously into older guys. Why would anyone want to drink that much. In some ways they are a lot less immature than kids.


Katrina said...

Arrgg! I hate those sorts who think that the fact that they smoke pot or have a lot of sex etc. etc. is A. something they have to share with the world B. Ultra-attractive. Unfortunately this tends to be because they have nothing else to brag about that could be flattering. O.K.feminine superiority moment/crazy ranting done

Salena said...

I know. LIKE WTF IS THE POINT OF FORGETTING SHIT OR BEING IN A Mellow diluted, annoying mood. sry for the wtf haha