Sunday, August 2, 2009

First hair

So pretty, wierd, fucky. Short, long, stubs, gone, wavy, strait, curly, blonde, brown, red, and beautiful. Well, that hair (on your head) is not what I am talking about. Body hair. Lol funny subject. possibly. Well lets start from facial hair. Eyebrows-good. they should be plucked and No unibrow. ok for girls mustash is sad. :( for guys its weird, its called shaving. do it. and don't get me started on nose and ear hair. lol. alright now chest hair is gross. Some girls like the ohh manly, umm no. haha. and arm pit ((under pit)what I called it when I was younger,start using it :) lol) hair-could deffinatly be the worst kind of hair. Alright, guys shaving may be a little too metrosexual but i'd rather have that than yucky, sweaty, stringy arm hair. Ok, now hair down there. Lol. its something id really rather not discuss or there for think about. all i say is keep it clean. haha. butt hair eww. leg hair. idk, don't like it. but would I want a guy to shave idkkk.. and toe hair. urgg I hate it and it hurts like hell to pluck it haha.
So, yes this is a really random post but thats ok.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wtf? toe hair? ewwww.